RVSM Manuals
& Other Services
- Domestic RVSM
(Not needed if ADS-B equipped, limited to U.S. operations only) - Datalink Application $895.00
- IOM/B036 Manual/Application $2990.00
- SMS/SOP Manuals $1995.00
SMS/SOP Services
Safety Management System (SMS):
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is engaged in a SMS rulemaking effort corresponding to changes made in ICAO Annex 6 as well as FAA internal system safety objectives. The FAA Associate Administrator for Safety issued Order VS 8000.1, Safety Management System Doctrine, in 2006. This document provides a broad framework for SMS implementation across the National Aviation System. At present, however, SMS implementation by aviation service providers is voluntary in the United States.
The FAA has developed and published an SMS standard, similar in scope and format to the international ISO standards for Quality and Environmental Management Systems. This standard is published in Appendix 1 to AC 120-92A. This standard was developed after extensive review and analysis of other countries' SMS programs as well as those of third party industry organizations and the safety, quality, and environmental management standards developed by a variety of organizations such as ISO, the British Standards Institute, Standards Australia, and the International Air Transportation Association. The FAA standard also incorporates the requirements of Annex 6 of the conventions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Moreover, the standard is closely aligned with the current ICAO SMS framework. This voluntary implementation process provides aviation operators with a means of implementing SMS on a voluntary basis and to eventually achieve FAA certification for their efforts.
Participation in SMS development is completely voluntary at this time, however, it has been documented operators will benefit by being an early adopter of a program that will be mandated in the near future by the FAA and will be enforced in ICAO member states by November 18, 2010 per International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulation, that will require an SMS for large aircraft and business jets weighing more than 12,500 pounds.
Standard Operations Manual (SOP):
A Standard Operations Manual (SOP) is a detailed step-by-step working document to carry out safe operations reflective of and responsive to the needs of aviation employees.
The object of an SOP Manual is to provide the necessary guidelines to effectively perform assigned functions in the completion of the department mission. In that spirit, it is expected that SOP manuals will be a continually evolving document as all Flight Department personnel fulfill their obligations to contribute ideas and suggestions which will afford improvement for each employee, their work place and their level of service.